The exhibition Bangles to Benches: Contemporary Jewelry and Design, curated by Sara Schleuning, contains a range of pieces by various jewellers, and Esrawe is presenting the exploration entitled “Vestigios”, whose pieces were made using 3d-printing processes. Inspired by an archaeological dig, the pieces in “Vestigios” are formally reminiscent of digital manipulations of fossils or bones. Tiny vestiges of 3d-printed material build up the pieces, until they become ornamental objects like a ring or a bracelet. These traces made into jewellery suggest, through their use, an alteration of and integration with human anatomy; the pieces play with the act of unveiling a modified bone structure.
At the same time, these explorations are in themselves “Vestiges”, or a record of the use of 3d printing as it stands today. The avenues and possibilities of this process are being redefined day by day, and when they have permeated through to our everyday lives these pieces will remain as reminders or relics of how the technology evolved.