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Zona Maco (México Arte Contemporáneo 2014)

Esrawe Studio features HOST, at Zona Maco 2014 -Latin America’s most important contemporary art fair- where for the fourth consecutive year incorporates a Design section.

Presenting a collection of limited-edition pieces based on the act of inhabiting. It is comprised of three new pieces: OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), Dermal & Balanza.

Dermal: It is based on the technique of the same name, in which a subcutaneous implant is inserted as a decorative element. The implant modifies and alters the body’s expression, turning it into an inhabitant of itself.

Made for the Mexican firm of blown glass Nouvel Studio.

The series is comprised of 100 pieces (20 pieces for each of the five colors).  Made of blown glass and wooden inserts.

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